
  " THE WEAPON GOLIATH DIDN'T HAVE" I Sam. 17:4-7 described the armory of Goliath, the strength and grade of weapons he had was classical and crafted for battle. Yes! they were very necessary if he must defeat the army of Israel, so here was a battle ready Goliath prepared to face and defeat the Israeli army. Surprising, he fell to little David in battle. Hmmm, I know a lot of us will want to celebrate the stones of David, well you may be right in a way. But let me share this with you. The difference between a fallen Goliath and a Victorious David is " the weapon that Goliath didn't have" 1Ch.12:32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; UNDERSTANDING OF TIMES ---Goliath failed to understand when the battle has changed dimension ---Goliath failed to understand when to change his weapons (imagine confronting little David with the weapon meant for an Israeli army) ---Goliath failed
                    REPRODUCING YOUR  SEASONS                                                                           ...Dealing with wastefulness in the course of your life... Luke 15:13 - King James Version ''And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living''. He wasted his SUBSTANCE SUBSATNCE is The most vital or essential part of something.  Most people are where they are because on a daily/continuous basis they waste the substance of their life.  PRODUCTIVE LIVING IS SIMPLY MAXIMIZING THE SUBSTANCE OF YOUR LIFE. One thing most people fail to remember is that nothing last forever. Wealth, strength, fame, opportunity and even our lives will fade away with time, it may happen gradually or suddenly but it will eventually happen. ---What your call excellence today will become someone else’s mediocrity tomorrow ---What you call stardom today will be someone
UNDERSTANDING THE DYNAMICS OF  CONSISTENT GROWTH Growth is something I can talk about over and over again, without being exhausted because it is enshrined in the theory of creation and procreation. Adam knew Even (planted a seed(-sperm) inside her, it became a foetus, that was birthed as a child. The child crawled, walked, ran and jumped and became an adult. (GROWTH) In all of these, you would notice a TRANSITION from one level to another  (an upward transition) Growth is progress Growth is advancement  Growth is mile stone Growth is achievement  Growth is Succeeding  When you talk about growth, we must understand that growth is not accidental. It is CONCIOUS AND DELIBRATE. You must pay attention to nurturing your seed if you must get a plant. In the Theory of growth, a few things are very important  1. The right soil 2. The right seed 3. The right nutrient  4. The right farmer. -You need to first be and build a mindset for growth, be unwilling and uncomfortable with being retarded or
BUILDIND AN EFFECTUAL SUPPORT  SYSTEM FOR YOUR DESTINY                                                                                                                                   Who is backing you up?                                                         John 11:1-23,  2 kings 6:15-16 There are certain mishaps, misfortunes and eventualities around the life of many that could have being avoided, overcomed or even escaped if only there was a helping hand or an intervention. There are certain inventions, innovations and creations, that never saw the light of day not because they were not good enough but because there was no recommendation and acceptance. A lot of people have suffered injustice, some have being falsely and innocently imprisoned because they had no voice of their own nor someone to speak for them. Some people's matter have being discussed and settled unfavourably simply because no one was available to lend a voice for them even when they merited it. Many people
 BUILDING STARMINA TO PROCESS YOUR DREAMS .....Don't start what you can't finish! (LIE)...... Why have you turned yourself to "omni-knowest", You now know what can succeed and can't succeed. Hello! This does not mean strategizing and planning is vague, it only means that you do not judge the success tendencies of your endeavours based on the hurdles of your start up. Listen: If the size of your dream/vision is equal to the amount of money in your pocket or bank account, you don't have a vision. It's simply "stomach infrastructure". Do not limit yourself to where you are and what you currently have. There are so much you can accomplish that you not yet aware of. Untill you get to work, you may not know what you are capable of. *Take the risk *Take up new projects *Start up that business *Begin that study programme  *Propose to that lady *Book that Visa interview  *Go for that interview *Bid for that contract Just get started!  Help will locate you
 BUILDING CAPACITY FOR GOOD RESULTS  Luke 5:1-7, 3 John 1:2, 2Kings 4:1-7 The mere thought  that 2021 is staring you in the face is an indication that God has given you another opportunity to make news. Here is what God told me, 2021 is a year of NEW DIMENSIONS (Luke 5:1-7), a height above the usual, a result beyond normal, a mouth shutting proof, an unbelievable encounter. So He said, you need to Re-cover, Re-Invent and RE-launch yourself into the space where opportunities and preparation meets to birth manifestation. So this session seeks to take you through such a course that prepares you for what lies in God's bunties for you in 2021. Let’s begin. To build is to develop and strengthen a thing to meet a need. To build Capacity is to submit to a process that develops and strengthens  you, your skills, instincts, abilities, processes and resources to meet the yearnings of the society and provide solution to our fast changing world. CAPACITY IS 1. Ability to grow 2. Room for increa
STAYING AT THE TO OF THE LADDER   IF YOU DON'T COME DOWN, THEY CAN'T GET YOU. I Kings 1:9  Then the king sent unto him a captain of fifty with his fifty. And he went up to him: and, behold, he sat on the top of an hill. And he spake unto him, Thou man of God, the king hath said, Come down. Life is a whole lot of experience and harnessing the experiences of life in your favour is what raises your life above the destructive hands of the devil. There are only 2 places/dimensions of manifestation in life and destiny. It's either you are above or you  are below It's either you are on the mountain or in the valley. John 3:31 31  He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. They devil cannot defeat you anytime you are above, so he begins his mission by asking you to COME DOWN!!! I pray for you, this season and beyond you shall not go down.  Delilah did not kill Sampson, she only


PRAYER OF SALVATION If you have not accepted Jesus into your life OR You need to rededicate your life to God.  Please FOLLOW THIS STEPS and PRAY THIS PRAYER 1.     Acknowledge your sins Rom.3:23, Luke 18:12 2.     Repent. Luke 13:13, Acts 3:19 3.     Confess. I John1:19 4.     Forsake. Isaiah 55:7 5.     Believe. John 3:16, Mark 16:16 6.     Receive. John 1:11-12 If you have taken these steps, then pray this prayer Lord Jesus I thank you for giving me this great opportunity to be called your child, I ask that you come into my heart, change my life, be my Lord and King   and give me grace to please you every day of my life, In Jesus name, Amen!!! If you have prayed this prayer , you are now born again,  Kindly look for a bible believing church close to you and meet the   pastor so he/she can help you grow. AYARA NDIFREKE SYLVESTER +234 703 222 0924 


GRACE FOR DIVINE HEALTH AND SUPERNATURAL HEALING “Many are the afflictions of the righteous:   But the Lord delivered them all “psalms 34:19. Divine health refers to the state of being well without any disorder lines (sickness) in other words; your body organs are functioning perfectly according to divine order. It is the health that originates from God. This is the mind of God for his children    3 John1: 2.  Divine health and supernatural healing is not dependent on drugs. Health is a covenant benefit we enjoy when we fulfil the terms of covenants of service unto God. Sickness, is an affliction, be it physical or spiritual, but the opening scripture says we have been delivered from them all.  The will of God is that you should not fall sick (divine health), but if you find yourself afflicted with sickness or disease, God has made provision for healing. Healing is a process while health is a state of being. So staying in health is better than seeking for healing. To en
STRESS MANAGEMENT How to Reduce, prevent, and Cope with Stress Human psychology sees stress as a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense. Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. Your true sources of stress aren’t always obvious, and it’s all too easy to overlook your own stress-inducing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Sure, you may know that you’re constantly worried about work deadlines. But maybe it’s your procrastination, rather than the actual job demands, that leads to deadline stress. To identify your true sources of stress, look closely at your habits, attitude, and excuses: Do you explain away stress as temporary (“I just have a million things going on right now”) even though you can’t remember the last time you took a breather? Do you define stress as an integral part of your work or home life (“Things are always crazy around here”) or as a part of your person