Who is backing you up?

                                                        John 11:1-23,  2 kings 6:15-16

There are certain mishaps, misfortunes and eventualities around the life of many that could have being avoided, overcomed or even escaped if only there was a helping hand or an intervention.

There are certain inventions, innovations and creations, that never saw the light of day not because they were not good enough but because there was no recommendation and acceptance.

A lot of people have suffered injustice, some have being falsely and innocently imprisoned because they had no voice of their own nor someone to speak for them.

Some people's matter have being discussed and settled unfavourably simply because no one was available to lend a voice for them even when they merited it.

Many people have drifted into depression,  some committed suicide and many live a life total isolation and constant pity.

Some have died untimely because "they have no man" to plead their case

This applies to both God and Man

The quality of men around your life and destiny assignment  defines your destination or height.

Men defines inspiration,  influence and impact.

3 class of Men you need as you progress in life

- Strategic men(MEN of ideas and solutions)

- Men of Influence (wealth and power)

- Men of God(Men with anointing)

# Nehemiah needed a kingly authorisation to get boundary access and material supply

# Joseph needed a recommendation  to get out of prison

 # David needed a recommendation for his music ministry          to be announced 

# Naman needed his maids recommendation to access supernatural healing 

You need men. NO man can exist successfully without effectively relating with other men.

Do not mistake this to be a call  for godftherism or cajoled and centimental mentorship.  This is  simply based on the *Principle of RECOGNITION , RECOMMENDATION & ACCEPTANCE*

Man was created to exit and co-exist, and in doing this, the place of an active and working relationship cannot overlooked.

RELATIONSHIP -2kings 20:1-6

What is implies?

.....Having a noticeable and undeniable presence

.....commitment to matters of importance 

.....Careful with utterances and actions 

.....Considerate and compassionate.

.....Objective and Frank with matters of importance 

.....Value, Input and impact

   ..Relationship with God and Relationship with man..

Some of you are already crying "I HAVE NO MAN"....

The last time God sent men your way what do you do?....

Gen 18.....

=Abraham and Sarah entertained angels and the prophesy for Isaac's birth was confirmed. He was also previlege to save his household from trouble and destruction.

...Do you not know that hospitality is the secret for high connectivity

*How to service your RELATIONSHIPS 




*Pay attention to the details of the relationship 


*Giving  - John 11:1-2

The primary purpose of giving is not because the receiver has lack or need, its a show and expression of love.

*Give time 

*Give support (Spiritual and material)

*Give counsel

It doesn't just apply with the lesser(that's if anyone assumes that position), its a two way relationship

              (the lesser to the greater)     (The greater to the lesser)

No body cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.

Begin by being the help that person needs and be sure to raise unprecedented help in your time of need.

Good bless you.

See you at the top





          +234 703 222 0924


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