I Sam. 17:4-7 described the armory of Goliath, the strength and grade of weapons he had was classical and crafted for battle.
Yes! they were very necessary if he must defeat the army of Israel, so here was a battle ready Goliath prepared to face and defeat the Israeli army.
Surprising, he fell to little David in battle.
Hmmm, I know a lot of us will want to celebrate the stones of David, well you may be right in a way.
But let me share this with you.
The difference between a fallen Goliath and a Victorious David is " the weapon that Goliath didn't have"
And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do;

---Goliath failed to understand when the battle has changed dimension
---Goliath failed to understand when to change his weapons (imagine confronting little David with the weapon meant for an Israeli army)
---Goliath failed to understand when the battle went beyond human powers
(when God took over)
That weapon that Goliath didn't have was the UNDERSTANDING OF TIME
1. Understanding keeps you ahead of your battles
2. It bring you victory in every battle
3. It opens you up to relevant information for unprecedented victory

Who will ever believe David will defeat Goliath.
That's what understanding does,

Pro 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding.

Its time to Get understanding
#Strategic Impact Series 2020©


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