Growth is something I can talk about over and over again, without being exhausted because it is enshrined in the theory of creation and procreation.

Adam knew Even (planted a seed(-sperm) inside her, it became a foetus, that was birthed as a child.

The child crawled, walked, ran and jumped and became an adult. (GROWTH)

In all of these, you would notice a TRANSITION from one level to another  (an upward transition)

Growth is progress

Growth is advancement 

Growth is mile stone

Growth is achievement 

Growth is Succeeding 

When you talk about growth, we must understand that growth is not accidental. It is CONCIOUS AND DELIBRATE.

You must pay attention to nurturing your seed if you must get a plant.

In the Theory of growth, a few things are very important 

1. The right soil

2. The right seed

3. The right nutrient 

4. The right farmer.

-You need to first be and build a mindset for growth, be unwilling and uncomfortable with being retarded or blotted(you appear to be growing yet nothing in moving in your life)

Having the right mindset will sponsor your 







Carry yourself like the person you want to become! 

- You must know who and where  you are.

Your ability to sincerely evaluate value yourself will  aid your decision for your next level. Knowing who and where you are will help you make choices 

-Choice of affiliates/partners/associations and relationships 

-Choice of learning, UNLEARNING and relearning to embark on.

-Choice of plan, preparation and implementation 

-Choose your soil well. 

The right audience, the right motivations, the right evaluators and criticisers ( it is good for advancement), not people who will kill your dreams even before you birth them.

Get training and mentorship of relevance. 

You don't have a reason to be in the medical school as a mechanic. You would have wasted precious time in a strange ground.

I have a lot to say to you but i will spare you the volume, but here is my encouragement for you: 

The world is changing, things are not what or  where they use to be anymore. You need GROWTH to stay relevant and enjoy your days on earth.

Do not let the pandemic stop your progress, people are still making it, signing new deals and moving forward. Your case can't be different.

  1. Shake of the dust, 
  2. Look at your mirrow, you will see a man, the world is waiting for. 
  3. It is your season.

You shall end this year in A GRAND STYLE.

We will meet at the top.



             +234 703 222 0924

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